Call of duty cold war ps5 code
Call of duty cold war ps5 code

One final thing to mention is that while fans are working to get a Bunker Key, they may also want to keep their eyes peeled for a piece of evidence that is hidden in Desperate Measures. Notably, eliminating Charkov is just one of several ways to obtain a Bunker Key in this Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War mission, and players that prefer to avoid violence may want to pursue another avenue.

call of duty cold war ps5 code

That is because this substance can be used to poison Charkov and earn the Bunker Key that is required to continue on the mission. With respect to what players will find when they open the poison cabinet in Desperate Measures, a vial of Nova-6 Poison is the real prize. More specifically, players should look for S, Re, and Nd on the periodic table that is hanging in the room, and they will discover that their respective atomic numbers are 16, 75, and 60. This file reveals that the poison inside of the locked cabinet is made from Sulfur, Rhenium, and Neodymium, and these elements are the key to uncovering the poison cabinet code. To begin, CoD: Black Ops Cold War players should interact with the computer terminal in Kravchenko’s Office and access the Nova 6 Entry 2 file. RELATED: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - How to Use Prestige Keys

call of duty cold war ps5 code

That said, players that are curious about how to arrive at this poison cabinet code for themselves can find more details in what follows.

call of duty cold war ps5 code

Indeed, this is always the combination for this particular locked cabinet, and fans can enter it directly to get immediate access to what is inside. Fortunately, it is quite easy to locate the requisite combination and open the poison cabinet in CoD: Black Ops Cold War.įor those players that do not want to be bothered with finding the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold Warpoison cabinet code in-game, it is 16-75-60. Fans will not be able to open this cabinet until they have obtained a special code, though, and exactly where that code can be found may not be immediately obvious. As players make their way through Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's Desperate Measures mission, they may encounter a poison cabinet in the corner of Kravchenko’s Office.

Call of duty cold war ps5 code