What is the differnce between world of tanks and world of tanks blitz
What is the differnce between world of tanks and world of tanks blitz

It was the first pick for clan wars ages ago but apparently it's been nerfed or power crept. The tier 10 is probably the best all round / worst all round tier 10 cruiser, depending on who you ask. Tier 8 has lowish DPM but really incredible AP pen, it and the tier 9 are best used ambushing the broadside of a hapless cruiser because they hit like a battleship. (the best hydro in the game, and every single one has 6km torps) Tier 7 has an odd duck with the largest caliber guns in the line. Tier 5 is where they begin to come into their own as long range AP and HE spammers who happen to also carry fantastic close range tools. Until the tier 4 which is legendarily bad. German cruiser line starts string with lots of guns. So some of these is statements may actually be was statements.

what is the differnce between world of tanks and world of tanks blitz what is the differnce between world of tanks and world of tanks blitz

I haven't played since early 2018 (until just a few days ago) but I do have the Hindenburg.

What is the differnce between world of tanks and world of tanks blitz